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  • 37% Thicker Hair. It's Science.

    37% Thicker Hair. It's Science.

    Along with wrinkles and sagging skin, brittle, thinning hair is an unfortunate side effect of getting older. It's a cold, hard, not so cute truth about aging. But, don't you...

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  • Does Collagen Really Help Your Skin Glow?

    Does Collagen Really Help Your Skin Glow?

    “You look great – your skin is glowing!” One of the greatest compliments you can receive, right? But what does that mean? What is that “glow” and is it real?...

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  • Don't Forget to Eat Your Water!

    Don't Forget to Eat Your Water!

    We are deep into the dog days of summer and depending on where you are, it’s one of the hottest on record. When taking advantage of summer sun and fun,...

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  • Berry Flag Cake

    Berry Flag Cake

    While you're celebrating America on this Fourth of July, go ahead and celebrate your health too! At Glotrition, we LOVE antioxidant rich berries. Our Super Beauty Elixir is loaded with...

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  • How Collagen and Elastin Work Together

    How Collagen and Elastin Work Together

    Elastin and Collagen, two very important proteins that have multiple jobs in the body. Elastin is not a type of collagen but another protein altogether. They are often confused for...

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  • Why Collagen is so Important in Your 50s

    Why Collagen is so Important in Your 50s

    Collagen. The most abundant protein in our body and a major building block of the bones, skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. But as we age, we naturally lose collagen. And...

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  • Collagen & Brain Health

    Collagen & Brain Health

    Collagen – it is the hero ingredient in Glotrition’s Super Beauty Elixir because it has so many amazing benefits for our wellbeing.  First and foremost are its anti-aging properties and...

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