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JLo Went Plant-Based. So, Naturally, We Did Too.

JLo Went Plant-Based. So, Naturally, We Did Too.

Jennifer Lopez does it. So do Jessica Chastain, Olivia Wilde and Jenny McCarthy. They eat plants…and ONLY plants. While the term “vegan” applies to a total animal free lifestyle (no leather, etc), following a “plant-based diet” is just that. And if the glowing skin on any of these Hollywood beauties is any indication, giving up meat and dairy is a really good thing. There are obvious health bennies too. Lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, weight loss, just to name a few. If you’re still not ready to ditch that 2 year old ground beef in your freezer, think of the animals. Just think of the animals.

There. Now that we have you feeling guilty as hell about last night’s dinner choice, let’s answer the obvious question: “Then what the f*@# am I supposed to eat?!?” While following a plant-based diet can require a bit of a learning curve in the cooking department, there are a handful of plant-based meal delivery companies out there that make it a whole lot easier. After checking them all out online and perusing their pricing and recipe offerings, we decided to go with Purple Carrot.

Our first delivery arrives in a big insulated box. It contains three meals that feed 2 people each (really more like three since we seemed to have left-overs). Each recipe is bagged separately with all the fresh ingredients clearly marked and measured. The enclosed recipe card spells out the easy instructions and shows a picture of what our meal is supposed to look like.

Honestly, the prep for all the meals was pretty easy, and the finished product was truly delicious. We haven’t missed the meat and dairy even once…honest. Personally, I’ve been doing the plant-based thing for 4 months now. I’ve lost 12 pounds, I have a ton of energy and I’m sleeping better. Purple Carrot is actually saving us money compared to what we were spending at Whole Foods on chicken and steaks. The best part for me? My skin and hair are all “glowy” now. I think JLo would be proud.

To learn more about collagen and how it can create a healthy glow in your skin, click here for a free mini ebook on collagen.