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The Bennies of Ingestible Retinol

The Bennies of Ingestible Retinol

One powerful ingredient that has been making waves in the beauty industry as of late is ingestible retinol. While topical retinol creams and serums have long been popular, the idea of taking retinol as a supplement has gained attention due to its numerous benefits for skin health. Now we already know that ingestible beauty supplements are a thing, giving us youthful, glowing skin from the inside out (we see you Super Beauty Elixir!) but today we want to focus on the bennies of ingestible retinol. 

Retinol is derived from Vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin and a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent and reverse free radical damage from environmental aggressors. Not produced in the body, vitamin A is an essential nutrient needed for the optimal growth and functioning of many parts of the body including the eyes, immune system, reproductive system and the skin. 

Vitamin A assists in promoting and maintaining a healthy dermis and epidermis (the top two layers of our skin!) When it comes to the skin, retinoids like retinol promote skin cell turnover. This helps to significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. By enhancing skin cell turnover, ingestible retinol aids in shedding dead skin cells and promoting the growth of new, healthier cells resulting in smoother skin and a reduction in the depth of wrinkles. 

It also boosts collagen production - our skin's personal fountain of youth. As we age, collagen production naturally declines, leading to fine lines and loss of firmness. Ingestible retinol can help combat this by promoting the generation of collagen from within, resulting in smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin. 

Uneven skin tone and texture is a concern for a lot of people, but ingestible retinol helps even it all out by reducing hyperpigmentation, fading away sunspots and minimizing annoying acne scars. Ingestible retinol can even help repair some of the damage from those sun-soaked days that can lead to premature aging. It encourages the growth of fresh, healthy skin cells, reducing the signs of sun-induced skin problems. 

Retinol is even known to improve the skin’s ability to retain moisture. This enhanced hydration can help your skin look plump and healthy, reducing dryness, flakiness and the risk of irritation. Plus, properly hydrated skin is less prone to redness and inflammation. 

But why an ingestible instead of topical retinol? When used as a topical, retinol goes deep into the dermis, the middle layer of the skin, and neutralize free radicals which in turn helps boost the production of elastin and collagen, creating a plumping effect that can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Unfortunately, it can be harsh on the skin, causing dry and irritated skin and even weaken the skin barrier. 

The reason topical retinol causes irritation is because the skin is metabolizing the ingredient and converting it into retinoic acid. When you consume retinol through ingestible sources, the body is actually metabolizing the retinol and converting it into retinoic acid – not the skin - which means there are fewer side effects to the skin and no damage to the skin barrier. 

Ingestible retinol is a revolutionary approach to skincare, offering numerous benefits for those seeking healthy, youthful skin. A great way to try ingestible retinol is with Glotrition’s Afterglo Gummeceuticals. Vitamin A is a key ingredient as Retinyl Acetate, a preformed vitamin A. In Afterglo, this skin loving vitamin helps support the skin’s immune system, hydrate the skin and give the skin a radiant glow. 

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